We Made IT
Wednesday, I think? This is Scout Master Wiltbank. It is actually Thursday morning and I am loading a few pictures from Wednesday the 17th of July. All the young men are out at having a free day of activities. Scout Masters are all out with the scouts and I am stuck blogging. And yes, there is a reason, I get to help while my feet heal, I got the worst blisters on my feet and can hardly walk. What a blast. Oh, Happy Birth Day Issac Garside!
Just to let you know I get to work with the patrols and in the kitchen area. My day starts at 4:14 am every morning ending around 11 pm. I get the Kitchen patrol up at 4:30 am and they walk a quarter mile with wagons to get the food. It takes close to thirty minutes to get the food back to camp Usually, 5:17 am. Why so early, if they wait until later the line will take over an hour to get the food both going and coming. Also, there may not be any food left. Then they prepare and cook the food. Each patrol GETS! to do this twice while they are here. I need to say in all the scout camps I have been on this group of scouts rocks. We have served breakfast at 6 am the past two days. These young men are up and ready to go. They will start leaving anytime after breakfast to their activities. Don't worry about the food their is plenty. We have so much that we actually throw away tons of it. That is hard. Before I post a few picture and show you what is going on, let me share a quick story about food and who our visitor was that had dinner with us.
The camps are so close that there is only a 3 foot space between our troop and the other 2 troops camps. We try to reach out and and be neighborly so this is one of those stories. Our menu for dinner was Jambolaya (Jambalaya). We started to make the meal and the Scoutmaster to our left came over to offer some suggestions. His troop is from Louisiana and he wanted to make sure we correctly made the meal. The first Suggestion is that the corn the menu called for not be added because no one who knows Jambalaya ever puts corn in the dish, serve it on the side. Then he had our boys blacken the chicken and make a sauce out of the scraps burned on the pan to add to the rice. I know pretty basic but then he came over with Tabasco Sauce and a mixture of his own to add. The meal was to serve 100 serving. We only have 40 in the troop, what was I going to do with all the extra? No problem there was not a piece of rice left. They ate the whole thing! It was full of flavor and we only had chicken not smoked sausage. We also served two guest, one of those was Charles W Dahlquist II,twentieth president of the Young Men's organization and President elect of the great Salt Lake Council of the Boy Scouts of America. It was great.
O.K. no more typing here are some pictures! I don't want to be here all day my feet feel better, THANKS SCOUTMASTER LEMON FOR THE FIRST AID, I want to GO BIG AND GET WILD! Thanks Parents,I am out of here. Just got a call from my son to walk 5 miles to BMX with blistered feet. Why not you only Jambo once.!
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